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Annexations or Reorganizations

A change of organization may include any of the following: annexation to a city or a district; detachment from a city or a district; a district dissolution or formation; a city incorporation or disincorporation; a consolidation of cities or districts; a merger of a city and a district; establishment of a subsidiary district; or exercise of new functions by a special district. (Government Code §56021)

Reorganization means two or more changes of organization contained in a single proposal. (Government Code §56073)

Filing Requirements

Change of organization or reorganization applications will not be deemed complete unless all of the following material is submitted:

  1. Completed Change of Organization or Reorganization Application Form
  2. (a) Certified copy of resolution from a local agency requesting LAFCO action (if application is initiated by local agency resolution); OR
    (b) Landowner or registered voter petition (Click to download then complete and save form using Adobe Acrobat) making application to LAFCO for a change of organization or reorganization (if application is initiated by petition)
  3. Legal description (Exhibit A) and map (Exhibit B) of the proposal area.
    The legal description and map should meet the requirements of the State Board of Equalization. Legal descriptions and boundaries other than those shown on previously recorded legal documents shall be prepared by a person authorized to practice land surveying (i.e., any licensed land surveyor, or any civil engineer registered prior to January 1, 1982, pursuant to California Business and Professions Code sections 8700-8806)
  4. Environmental documentation to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA):
    (a) Completed Environmental Information Form if requesting categorical exemption from CEQA; OR
    (b) Three copies and a compact disc of Negative Declaration/ Mitigated Negative Declaration plus Initial Study with certifying resolution; OR
    (c) Three copies and a compact disc of Environmental Impact Report with certifying resolution.
    If there is a question regarding whether or not LAFCO will be lead agency or whether the proposal is categorically exempt, an Environmental Information Form must be completed and signed before meeting with LAFCO staff.
  5. (a) List of Assessors Parcel Numbers of all properties in the proposal territory along with acreage, existing land uses, and current & proposed general plan & zoning designations.
    (b) If annexation to a city is proposed, submit copy of city resolution approving pre-zoning and general plan designations for the proposal territory.
  6. Plan for Services prepared in compliance with California Government Code §56653.
  7. Proposals to annex territory outside the urban service area must include a Fiscal Impacts Report analyzing the fiscal impacts of the proposal on the affected local agencies, including the requesting agency, the County, special districts and any affected school districts. The impacts to the County shall be developed using the Fiscal Impacts Worksheet prepared by the County.
  8. All staff reports pertaining to the proposal that are submitted to an agency’s planning commission, council or board.
  9. Party Disclosure Forms must be completed by a party, i.e., any person who files an application for a LAFCO proceeding, or who is subject of a LAFCO proceeding.
  10. Lobbying Disclosure Forms must be filed by the applicant listing all lobbyists hired to influence the action taken by LAFCO on the application. This form must be updated one week prior to LAFCO hearing date of application, if necessary.  
  11. Indemnification Agreement in the form prescribed, signed by the applicant.
  12. Completed Statement of Boundary Change Form.
  13. Separate checks for LAFCO Filing fees and the State Board of Equalization fees.
  14. Any additional information required by the Executive Officer.

Disclosure Requirement

Pursuant to Government Code Sections 56100.1, 56300, 56700.1, 57009 and 81000 et seq., any person or combination of persons who directly or indirectly contribute(s) a total of $1,000 or more or expend(s) a total of $1,000 or more in support of or in opposition to specified LAFCO proposals or proceedings, which generally include proposed reorganizations or changes of organization, may be required to comply with the disclosure requirements of the Political Reform Act (See also, Section 84250 et seq.). These requirements contain provisions for making disclosures of contributions and expenditures at specified intervals. More information on the scope of the required disclosures is available at the web site of the Fair Political Practices Commission: Questions regarding FPPC material, including FPPC forms, should be directed to the FPPC’s advice line at 1-866-ASK-FPPC (1-866-275-3772).